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조지 에이큰 



만일 우리가 어느날 아침 일어났는데

모든 사람이 동일한 인종, 신념 및 피부색의 사람이란

사실을 발견한다면,


우리는 정오까지 편견을 갖기 위한

또 다른 이유를 찾을 것이다.


- 조지 에이큰 -


If we were to wake up some morning and find

that everyone was the same race, creed and color,


we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.

- George Aiken -






국 정치가이자 원예가였습니다. 공화당의 일원 인 그는 1941 년부터 1975 년까지 34 년 동안 미국 상원에서 복무하기 전 버몬트 제 64 대 주지사 (1937 년 ~ 1941 년)였다. 그의 은퇴 당시 그는 상원 의원이었다 .

주지사로서 Aiken은 버몬트의 수력 및 홍수 통제 프로그램에 대해 New Deal과 싸웠습니다. [1] 상원에서 북동쪽 공화당 원으로서 그는 1946 년 완전 고용 법 (Full Employment Act)의 4 명의 공화당 공동 후원자 중 한 명이었다. 에이컨은 1945 년 식품 할당 법안을 후원했다. 그는 교육에 대한 연방 원조를 장려하고 1947 년 최저 임금을 65 센트로 세웠습니다. Aiken은 1941 년에 고립 주의자 였지만 1947 년에 Truman Doctrine과 1948 년에 Marshall 계획을지지했습니다.

1960 년대와 1970 년대에 그는 베트남 전쟁에서 중도 과정을 진행하여 린든 존슨의 상승에 반대하고 리차드 닉슨의 느린 철수 정책을지지했다. Aiken은 소규모 농민을 강력하게지지했습니다. 1947 년 상원 농업위원회 의장으로서 그는 엄격한 가격지지를 반대했다. 그러나 그는 타협해야했으며, 1948 년의 희망-행동 법 (A Hope-Aiken Act)은 가격 지원의 슬라이딩 스케일을 도입했습니다. 1950 년에 에이컨은 조셉 맥카시 상원 의원의 전술을 서면으로 비난 한 공화당 상원 의원 7 명 중 한 명으로, "이심적인 정치적인 착취를 통한 공포, 편견, 무지, 편협함"을 추구 한 사람들에 대해 경고했다.



George David Aiken (August 20, 1892 – November 19, 1984) was an American politician and horticulturist. A member of the Republican Party, he was the 64th Governor of Vermont (1937–1941) before serving in the United States Senate for 34 years, from 1941 to 1975. At the time of his retirement, he was the senior member of the Senate.

As Governor, Aiken battled the New Deal over its programs for hydroelectric power and flood control in Vermont.[1] As a Northeastern Republican in the Senate, he was one of four Republican cosponsors of the Full Employment Act of 1946. Aiken sponsored the food allotment bill of 1945, which was a forerunner of the food stamp program. He promoted federal aid to education, and sought to establish a minimum wage of 65 cents in 1947. Aiken was an isolationist in 1941 but supported the Truman Doctrine in 1947 and the Marshall Plan in 1948.

In the 1960s and 1970s, he steered a middle course on the Vietnam War, opposing Lyndon Johnson's escalation and supporting Richard Nixon's slow withdrawal policies. Aiken was a strong supporter of the small farmer. As acting chairman of the Senate agriculture committee in 1947, he opposed high rigid price supports. He had to compromise, however, and the Hope-Aiken act of 1948 introduced a sliding scale of price supports. In 1950, Aiken was one of seven Republican senators who denounced in writing the tactics of Senator Joseph McCarthy, warning against those who sought "victory through the selfish political exploitation of fear, bigotry, ignorance and intolerance."